Student Services
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Rumson School District Support Contacts
District Affirmative Action Team
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services
Affirmative Action, Title IX, and 504 Officer / 732-842-0811
Jessica Piernik , School Counselor
Spencer Austin, School Psychologist
Allie Copman, School Counselor
For more information on Affirmative Action as well as detailed
Rumson Board of Education Policies and Regulations, please visit the link below:
Homeless Liaison
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services
Contact Information:
- P 5116 - Education of Homeless Children
- R 5116 Education of Homeless Children
- National Center for Homeless Education brochure - English
- National Center for Homeless Education - Spanish
Education Stability Liaison
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services
Contact Information:
English as a Second Language (ESL) Coordinator
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services
Contact Information:
- New Jersey WIDA state page
- WIDA Accessibility and Accomodations Manual 2023-2024
- Policy 2423 - Bilingual and ESL Education
- New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Bilingual/ESL Education
Enrollment of Students Based Upon Immigration Status
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services
- P 5111 Eligibility of Resident / Non-resident Students
- Unaccompanied Children Fact sheet (pdf)
- Unaccaompanied Children Fact sheet - Spanish (pdf
Child Abuse
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services
Contact Information:
Human Resource Officer for Domestic Violence (HRO)
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services
Contact Information:
Title IX Appointments
Dr. John E. Bormann, Supt., Title IX Appeal Officer
Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services - Title IX Decision Maker
Title IX Investigators:
- Mrs. Jessica Piernik
- Ms. Allie Copman