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Mission Statement - "Igniting Potential"
The Rumson School District ignites the potential of its learners by growing, inspiring, and cultivating personal excellence academically, socially, and emotionally.



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Board of Education
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Residency Information
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Free and Reduced Lunch Forms



25-26 Pre-School and Non-Resident Tuition Rates

  1. Please review the Entrance Age Requirements enclosed in Policy 5112 - Entrance Age  before proceeding.
  2. If you are registering for Preschool, please review Policy 2471 - Early Childhood Education Preschool .
  3. Based on your residency status, as defined by the definition of DOMICILE below,  and Policy 5111 - Eligibility of Non-resident Pupils and Reg. 5111 - Eligibility of Non-resident Students , please select the proper registration procedure. 
  4. If you are already enrolled, but need to change your address , please complete the Residency Statement  and return to the main office with two proof of address documents.

Student treats as permanent home, as demonstrated by sleeping in the home prior to school in-session days.

  1. RESIDENTS  - students who are domiciled in the Borough of Rumson at the time of registration or start of school.   Visit the Registration tab to view instructions and begin Online Registration.

  2. FORMER RESIDENTS  - Children of parents no longer residing in the Borough during a school year in which they are already enrolled & attending, may complete the school year at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Board of Education providing:
  1. There is no cost for transportation involving the Rumson School District; and 
  2. A prepaid, prorated tuition is paid to the Board of Education from thirty days after residence in Rumson Borough terminates, except, tuition shall be figured by the Board Secretary based upon an audited figure of accepted costs. Same cost basis for tuition will apply for students with an 1EP as written above. 
  3. No tuition shall be charged when residence is terminated after May 1st. 
  4. No tuition shall be charged for students in eighth grade when residence is terminated after December 31st.

In cases where parent(s) or legal guardian(s) temporarily move out of Rumson due to renovation and/or construction on the current residence, the student(s) enrolled in Rumson shall be permitted to attend tuition free for a period of up to one calendar year, commencing on the date of vacating the current residence, subject to the following circumstances: 

  1. A letter from the Rumson Planning Board indicating the approval of commencement of work along with the starting date. 
  2. Once approved, the commencement of work date will go into effect. There may be no extension after one calendar year. 
  3. Document indicating the specifics of the renovations and/or construction, including the anticipated completion date. 
  4. The Board of Education shall not be responsible for the transportation to or from school.

Complete Former Resident Form   and  Visit the  Registration tab  to view instructions and begin Online Registration.

  1. FUTURE RESIDENTS  - Students who are not currently domiciled in the Borough of Rumson at the time of registration or start of school but plan to be domiciled in the school year based on contract to buy, build, or rent in the Borough of Rumson.

    If the child or children are nonresidents of Rumson Borough at the time of registration, the Superintendent of Schools must be furnished with a copy of a signed contract to buy, build or rent a home which will include the projected date of residency.

    Until actual residence takes place and proof has been submitted, a tuition fee, as determined by the Superintendent, shall be paid by the parent or guardian.

    Should related and extraordinary services above and beyond those calculated in the regular education tuition fee be required, the parent or legal guardian will be responsible to pay those costs on a monthlybasis.

    If after a year, actual residency has not taken place, the nonresident student is subject to removal from the school district.

    Tuition for all nonresident future students will be paid for half the year in advance. The Board Secretary's office will be responsible for collection.
  1. The check for the payment of the tuition for each student wishing to enroll must accompany the anticipated residency documentation before approval to register can be granted.
  2. The Board of Education reserves the right to verify such claims and to remove from school a nonresident student whose claim cannot be verified.
  3. The Board of Education shall not be responsible for the transportation to or from school of any nonresident student.

Upon domicile, prior to completion of half of the year, prepaid tuition, the Board of Education will provide reimbursement for all full month now domiciled in that pay period.

An exception to the requirement to pay tuition in advance shall be made as a future resident upon the review of the Superintendent.

COMPLETE and return to  the Superintendent of Schools through Denise Muzyka via email  :  

​* DO NOT Complete the Open Registration process until admission is approved by the Board of Education* Your approval letter will be required as documentation.

  1. NON-RESIDENT  - students who are not currently domiciled nor whose parents possess a residence in the Borough of Rumson at the time or registration or start of school but would like to attend the Rumson  School District on a tuition basis.

    The Board shall operate the schools of this district for the benefit of all children resident in the district and such others as may be admitted, pursuant to statute and policy of the Board. The Board reserves the right to verify the residence of any student and the validity of any affidavit of guardianship. Documentation required to prove eligibility to attend the schools of this district shall be in accord with Policy 5111 Admission and the administrative code.

COMPLETE and return to  the Superintendent of Schools through Denise Muzyka via email  :

* DO NOT Complete the online Registration Process until admission is approved by the Board of Education* Your approval letter will be required as documentation.

           1.   Information for Parents - English    Información sobre personas sin hogar para padres

           2.  Before registering please contact our District Homeless Liaison:
                                   Dr. Michael Snyder