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We look forward to having you as part of our Rumson School District family!
Please make sure to review ALL of the information on this page as well as the information on the Residency tab BEFORE you begin the online registration process through Genesis Open Registration.
If you are:
- A NON-RESIDENT OR FUTURE RESIDENT ---- DO NOT begin the registration process unless, and until you have reviewed the Residency tab, applied AND after you have received an approval letter from the Rumson Board of Ed. You will be required to upload this approval letter to register .
You do NOT need to RE-register your child for Kindergarten, but DO make sure to attend the Kindergarten Open House.
ALL OTHERS - BEFORE YOU BEGIN, REVIEW : Open Registration Parent Instructions
IMPORTANT: Please take time to gather the necessary information listed below PRIOR TO beginning the online registration process. You will NOT be able to return to Open Registration to complete the process.
Open Registration requires that you complete the registration process in one sitting: This includes uploading any required documents scanned as PDFs. Pictures from your phone are not acceptable for upload.
If you do not have a scanner at home, there are free apps such as CamScanner that turn your phone into a scanner to make PDFs.
As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide AND/OR download and complete and then upload several documents:
- Residency statement
- Proof of Rumson residency (two different) - does not apply to approved non-resident tuition students or homeless students. Approved non-resident tuition students must upload their Acceptance Letter instead of the Proof of Residency.
Please see Homelessness Information for Parents Información sobre personas sin hogar para padres - Proof of age (one)
- Release of Records from previous school
- Physical exam and Immunization records (return only - do not upload)
- New Student Interest Inventory
- Parent Questionnaire
IMPORTANT: Your registration and documentation is not saved unless you save the record on the "Review and Submit" tab.
Failure to complete this step will necessitate starting the process again at the beginning.