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Mission Statement - "Igniting Potential"
The Rumson School District ignites the potential of its learners by growing, inspiring, and cultivating personal excellence academically, socially, and emotionally.


Special Education

Meet Our Team
Child Study Team
Special Education Referral and Evaluation Process
District Initiatives and Policy
Parent Resources
Parental Rights in Special Education (PRISE)
Special Education Accommodations

The Rumson Special Education Department

Dr. Michael Snyder, Director of Student Services  

Ms. Laura Randazzo , Administrative Assistant

The Department of Special Services meets the needs of students eligible for special education, related services and programming including, but not limited to: in-class resource, resource center, self-contained classes; extended school year; speech-language, occupational therapy, physical therapy & Behavioral services. The Child Study Team is comprised of a learning disabilities teacher consultant, school psychologist and school social worker.  The Members of the Child Study Team serve as case managers, conduct evaluations, provide counseling, home visits and work with an IEP Team in developing, implementing and/or amending an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) for students eligible for special services. 

Please see the section below for more information on the continuum of Special Education services offered in our district

Continuum of Special Education Services

Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities
Children who are three and four years of age, and who have been identified through formal evaluation as eligible for special education may be considered for placement in the Integrated PreSchool Program. These classes are designed to provide early learning experiences to children, at their levels of ability. Special needs and typically developing preschoolers come together in an inclusive classroom where language, academic and social skills are developed in a nurturing environment.
Within the Tools of the Mind curriculum, students follow a daily schedule of purposeful activities in a structured environment designed to foster creativity, imagination, problem-solving, communication, metacognition, self-regulation, and the expansion of core understandings and skills. Frequent data collection is an integral component of the preschool program.  Occupational and speech therapies are provided within the program.
In-Class Resource (K-8)
Co-teaching is a form of collaborative teaching in which a general education teacher and a special education teacher work together to provide instruction for students in a general education classroom. The general and special educators work as a cooperative and collaborative team to jointly teach heterogeneous groups of students.  Special needs students are assisted to integrate successfully into general education while receiving modifications and accommodations identified in the students’ IEPs  .
Co-teaching may assume any of several models of service delivery during a single lesson or on subsequent days.  Some arrangements include:
  • The special education teacher develops and implements modifications/ accommodations for those students who have IEPs.
  • The teachers engage in parallel teaching in which they both serve as instructors and facilitators in concert with one another.      
  • Both teachers provide instruction at stations, while students rotate between them.
  • The teachers simultaneously conduct a lesson, dividing the students into groups.
  • Both teachers share responsibility for supporting instruction, working together to present information, answer questions, and supervise activities.
The goals of co-teaching are:
  • to provide accommodations to grade-level instruction in general education classes so that individual needs can be met in an inclusive setting
  • to provide ongoing training for staff who are involved
  • to create a school climate of acceptance, understanding and respect for all students
  • to provide an opportunity for special education and general education teachers to work cooperatively for student success
Resource Room Classes (K-8)
A pull-out resource class, taught by a special education teacher who is highly qualified in their respective content area, may be offered to students with learning difficulties when they are unable to achieve satisfactorily in general education classes.  Resource classes may be offered in the areas of language arts and mathematics. These classes emphasize functional academics, as well as skills needed for school success, such as organization, study skills and social skills.
Resource classes provide:
  • intensive instruction with specialized programs and materials based on individual student needs as identified by students’ IEPs.  This specialized instruction shall not duplicate general education classroom instruction, but shall reflect grade level curriculum standards  .
  • instructional strategies to students on ways to compensate for learning problems that interfere with the way students process, retrieve and give back information
  • a flexible learning environment commensurate with student learning styles and needs
  • opportunities for general education and special education teachers to collaborate and monitor student progress
Students receiving pull-out resource services remain in a general education classroom for more than one-half of the school day. The amount of services provided is based on students’ individualized education plans.
Multiple Disabilities (MD) Program (K-2)
The Multiple Disabilities (MD) Program at Rumson is tailored to meet the unique needs of students in grades K-2 who require specialized instruction due to multiple disabilities impacting their learning processes. Our program offers a modified grade-level curriculum aligned with individual knowledge levels, allowing for the gradual introduction of new concepts. Each student benefits from a personalized Individual Education Plan (IEP), guiding the development of academic and functional-based programming tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. Our curriculum is carefully crafted to accommodate diverse learning styles, with a focus on language-based instruction in core academic subjects. With a small staff-to-student ratio, our highly structured program allows for intervention and highly individualized support, ensuring that each student receives the attention they need to thrive. Within our supportive environment, students have the opportunity to cultivate essential language and learning skills crucial for academic success. Additionally, students may receive related services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy as outlined in their IEPs. The MD Program at Rumson is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to ensure the growth and achievement of every student.
Related Services
Related Services are support services needed to allow children with disabilities to benefit from special and general education. These include:
  • Occupational Therapy Services
  • Physical Therapy Services
  • Speech and Language Services
  • Health Services
  • School Psychological Services
  • Social Work Services
  • Learning Consultation
  • BCBA (Behavioral) Services
  • Transportation
  • School Counseling    
Philosophy of Curriculum
Within the Special Education Department, our vision is deeply intertwined with the overarching mission of the Rumson School District: "Igniting Potential." We believe in igniting the potential of every learner, regardless of their abilities or challenges. Our curriculum philosophy and vision documents serve as guiding lights in this journey.
Our philosophy underscores the holistic development of each student. We recognize and celebrate their diverse strengths, challenges, and potential. Through a supportive and inclusive learning environment, we aim to empower students to become critical thinkers, effective communicators, and lifelong learners.
This vision permeates every aspect of our work within the Special Education Department. From the acquisition of resources to the delivery of instruction, from the utilization of assessment outcomes to engagement in professional development activities, we are committed to aligning our efforts with the evolving needs of our students.
As we continuously develop and update our curriculum philosophy and vision documents, we ensure that they reflect our unwavering commitment to nurturing the potential of every learner. Our mission is not just to educate students; it is to ignite their potential and guide them towards personal excellence academically, socially, and emotionally. In doing so, we contribute to the broader mission of the Rumson School District and uphold its values of growth, inspiration, and excellence.
SEL District Philosophy
Our Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) District Philosophy reflects our commitment to nurturing the whole child and cultivating a positive school climate where all students feel valued, supported, and connected. Grounded in principles of equity, inclusion, and empathy, our SEL approach fosters the development of essential social-emotional competencies such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Through intentional SEL instruction, restorative practices, and community partnerships, we strive to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Identification of Twice Exceptional Students
Our approach to identifying and supporting twice exceptional (2e) students recognizes the intersection of their exceptional abilities and learning challenges. Through a comprehensive assessment process that considers both strengths and areas of need, we aim to accurately identify 2e students and provide them with appropriate accommodations, interventions, and enrichment opportunities. By fostering a strengths-based perspective and individualized support plans, we strive to empower 2e students to maximize their potential and achieve success in both their areas of strength and areas of challenge.